Tanzanian Boxer Mantis (Otomantis sp.)

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Tanzanian Boxer Mantis
Otomantis sp.
Tanzanian Boxer Mantis (Otomantis sp.)
Name Tanzanian Boxer Mantis
Name Lat. Otomantis sp.
Family Flower Mantids
Family lat. Hymenopodidae
Order Praying Mantids
Order lat. Mantodea
Origin Africa
Habitat Savanna
Diet Flying insects, meadow plankton
Humidity 50-70 %
Behavior Predatory
Keeping Individual
Care Level Easy
Housing Dry terrarium
Breeding Moderately difficult
Life Span 2-4 months
Protection No
Metric Units
Size 2-3 cm
Temperature Day 27-30 °C
Temperature Night 20-23 °C
Housing Size 20 x 20 x 30 cm
US Units
Size 0.8"-1.2"
Temperature Day 81-86 °F
Temperature Night 68-73 °F
Housing Size 10" x 10" x 10"

Distribution and habitat

The range of the diurnal South African Dwarf Mantis extends across sub-Saharan East and Central Africa and South Africa. They inhabit the dry savannas, where they live in the foliage of bushes.


For one female, or for a group of up to 5 males, an insectarium of 20 x 20 x 30 cm (L x W x H) can be recommended as a guideline, which should be placed in a quiet place without direct sunlight. A cover made of gauze or fine metal mesh is recommended

You need an insectarium not too densely structured with sufficiently thin climbing branches (hiding places, visual protection) and dry grasses, a substrate of sand-earth mixture (terrarium humus) and a small, shallow drinking vessel with water gel or a absorbent cotton drinker. Artificial or live plants are suitable for decoration

The insectarium should be finely sprayed lightly with water inside every 2-3 days, preferably in the evening. Too much moisture is not tolerated.

Temp. day: 27-30 °C Temp. night: 20-23 °C Humidity: 50-70

The lighting duration should be 12 hrs. Light sources that also produce the necessary heat are ideal.


They are predatory and seize the prey, preferably flying insects, with lightning speed from an angled lying-in-wait position with their tentacles. The food supply should consist of small crickets, house crickets, flies (Drosophila) and wax moths, small butterflies and cockroaches, etc., but also meadow plankton. It is important to regularly add minerals and vitamins (e.g. by dusting the feeders). The quality of the feeders can be enhanced by feeding overripe fruit and honey water. A few days before, during and after molting, they refuse to eat. During molting, no predatory feeders (e.g. crickets) should remain in the insectarium, as during this time the animals are unprotected and may become prey themselves.

A varied diet promotes health and prevents deficiency symptoms.

Reproduction and breeding

The females are slightly larger and stronger than the males, which are a little slimmer

After mating, the female lays the first egg package (ootheca). More can follow. The young are only a few millimeters long, black in color, and resemble ants (mimicry). They should be fed immediately with small fruit flies or microheims so that they do not eat each other (cannibalism)

After the imaginal molt, the males live for about 2 months, the life expectancy of the females is another 3-4 months


Prior to mating, a larger food animal should be offered to the female to reduce the risk of her eating the male. It is recommended to keep females singly.

They have very good camouflage (mimesis) due to their body shape and coloration and their often long-lasting immobility.

Before purchasing, an insectarium should be prepared that meets the species specific needs. Good ventilation without drafts is necessary, as well as equipment for measuring temperature and humidity. Lighting has to correspond to the species-specific day-night rhythm and should be placed in such a way that the animals cannot injure themselves. The insectarium should be locked in such a way that neither unauthorized persons can open it nor the animals can escape. Special attention must be paid to thorough hygiene and contamination must be removed regularly.

Further literature can be found in your pet store.


Text: Serena Werle; Image: Franz Lowak

Source: HENKEL & SCHMIDT (2010): Taschenatlas Wirbellose für das Terrarium, Verlag Ulmer; ENGELMAN & LANGE (2011): Zootierhaltung - Tiere in menschlicher Obhut: Wirbellose, Verlag Harri Deutsch