Common Quail (Coturnix coturnix)

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Common Quail
Coturnix coturnix
Common Quail (Coturnix coturnix)
Name Common Quail
Name Lat. Coturnix coturnix
Family Partridges & Old World Quails
Family lat. Phasianidae
Order Gallinaceous Birds
Order lat. Galliformes
Origin Europe, Asia, North Africa
Climate Temperate - subtropical
Diet Quail seed, plant matter
Keeping Pair, group
Care Level Easy
Reproduction Ground nest
Life Span 3-6 years
Protection No
Metric Units
Size 16 cm
Temperature Room temperature
Housing 120 x 60 x 100 cm
US Units
Size 6.3"
Temperature Room temperature
Housing 45" x 25" x 40"

Distribution and habitat

The wide range of the ground-dwelling quail extends over large parts of central and southern Europe, northern Africa, and western Asia, where they live in dry grasslands, open scrublands, and farmland

Cage size

The cage size should be at least 120 x 60 x 100 cm (L x W x H) for a pair and should not be less than this, even in justified single keeping. For an additional 2-3 birds, the floor space must be expanded accordingly, provided that the species is compatible

The cage must be placed in a bright, draught-free and quiet place, have a rectangular base and should be opaque on one side. Keeping in a combined indoor/outdoor aviary is recommended.


The ground must be covered with sand, wood granulate, bark mulch, turf, soil or similar material and must be cleaned regularly. The minimum equipment includes biotope-like hiding, sleeping and nesting places with densely planted areas (grasses), roots and stones. In addition, they need, according to their natural needs, a sand bath with fine sand (e.g. chinchilla sand). The room temperature should not fall below 10 °C.


The species-specific feed offer consists of mixed seeds, available in specialized trade as "exotic feed" in premium quality, supplemented with foxtail millet, green feed (chickweed, green panicle millet, fresh grass panicles, cucumber slices, organic lettuce, etc.), tangle grass seeds, insect feed and especially for the raising of young germinated seeds (millet, oats), egg feed (chopped egg and insect larvae.), tangle grass seeds, insect food and especially for raising young germinated seeds (millet, oats), egg food (chopped egg) and insect larvae, such as small, skinned mealybug larvae, ant pupae and small buffalos. Charcoal, vitamine lime, shell grit, small stones and crushed chicken shells are needed as digestive aids. Drinking water must always be available in birdbaths or in stable, open containers and, like food, must be offered fresh daily in clean containers.

A regular and varied diet promotes health and prevents deficiency symptoms.

Reproduction and breeding

The plumage of both sexes is yellowish brown with black spots and only the male has a black throat

They are ground breeders, which like to breed in biotope-like, protected grass hollows. Suitable nesting materials include coconut fibers, long grasses, and small roots. The clutch consists of 7-14 dark spotted eggs, the incubation period is 17-20 days. The incubation period is, biologically speaking, from April to September when kept in outdoor aviaries. During the breeding season, dwarf quail should be kept only in pairs, not in groups. When breeding, the room temperature should be at least 15 ° C.


They may only be kept in pairs or in a group, one male with up to four females. Males in an aggressive phase should be kept singly. They can be well socialized with finches or parakeets.

If kept in outdoor aviaries, they also need a frost-free shelter of at least 1 m² floor area, which can be visited by the birds at any time, and the furnishings must correspond to those of cage keeping.

In rooms, including the shelters, sufficient daylight or flicker-free artificial light (stroboscopic effect) corresponding to daylight must be provided. The lighting duration should be 8-14 hours per day and the natural day-night rhythm must be observed. Adequate indoor climate should be provided. The health condition of the birds should be checked daily

Further literature can be found in your pet store.


Text: petdata; Image: Franz Lowak

Source: ROBILLER (1986): Lexikon der Vogelhaltung, Edition Leipzig; GRUMMT & STREHLOW (2009): Zootierhaltung - Tiere in menschlicher Obhut: Vögel, Verlag Harri Deutsch

  • Gemäß § 21 Abs. 5 Tierschutzgesetz idgF