Zebra Finch White (Taeniopygia guttata 'White')

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Zebra Finch White
Taeniopygia guttata 'White'
Zebra Finch White (Taeniopygia guttata 'White')
Name Zebra Finch White
Name Lat. Taeniopygia guttata 'White'
Family Estrildid Finches
Family lat. Estrildidae
Order Perching Birds
Order lat. Passeriformes
Origin Australia
Climate Subtropical - tropical
Diet Estrilded Finch seed, veggies, insects
Keeping Pair, group
Care Level Easy
Reproduction Finch nest
Life Span 5-10 years
Protection No
Metric Units
Size 11 cm
Temperature Room temperature
Housing 80 x 40 x 40 cm
US Units
Size 4.3"
Temperature Room temperature
Housing 30" x 15" x 15"

Distribution and habitat

The white zebra finch is a breeding form. The zebra finches are widespread in Australia, except in the west. They live in large flocks on the steppes and savannas, always close to watering places. They are only available as offspring and are now considered domesticated.

Cage size

The minimum cage size is 80 x 40 x 40 cm (L x W x H) for a pair. The cage size must not be undercut even in case of justified single keeping. For an additional 2-3 birds, assuming species compatibility, the floor space must be increased by 25%. The cage must be placed in a bright, draught-free and quiet place at a height of at least 80 cm (except aviaries), have a rectangular base and be opaque on three sides, aviaries on one side. Keeping in an aviary is preferable.


The floor must be covered with sand, wood granulate, bark mulch or similar material and must be cleaned regularly. At least 3 perches made of wood or branches of varying thickness and height must be installed in such a way that they can only be reached by flying and that the longest possible flight distance is created. They need a bathing opportunity as well as biotope-like hiding, sleeping and nesting possibilities. It is recommended to provide them with grasses, twigs and bushes. The room temperature should not fall below 15 °C.


The species-specific feed offer consists of mixed seeds, available in specialized trade as "exotic feed" in premium quality, supplemented with foxtail millet, green feed (dandelion leaves, chickweed, green panicle millet, fresh grass panicles, cucumber slices, etc.), tangle grass seeds, insect feed and especially for the rearing of young germinated seeds (millet, oats) and insect larvae such as small skinned oats.), tangle grass seeds, insect food and especially for raising young, germinated seeds (millet, oats), egg food and insect larvae, such as small, skinned, cut-up mealybug larvae, ant pupae, pinkies and small buffalos. Charcoal, vitamine lime and shell grit are needed as digestive aids. Drinking water must always be available in birdbaths or in stable, open containers. Food and water must be offered fresh daily, and the containers must be cleaned beforehand.

A varied diet promotes health and prevents deficiency symptoms.

Reproduction and breeding

White zebra finches are without markings, in the male the beak color is red, in the female orange-red.

They like to breed in biotope-like facilities such as wicker nests (bionesters) and semi-open nest boxes of medium size or freely in the branches (e.g. broom, bamboo, reeds). Suitable nesting material is sisal, coconut fibers, long grasses as well as animal hair and feathers for padding. A clutch consists of 4-6 eggs, the incubation period is about 12 days. The breeding season is, biologically speaking, year-round. Do not allow more than 2-3 broods per year!


Zebra finches are bred in many color varieties, such as cinnamon, silver, cream and penguin. They may only be kept in pairs or in a group or flock. Socialization with other finches is quite possible

They must not be kept in a round cage. For swarm keeping an aviary is required

When kept in an outdoor aviary (at least 1.70 m high), they also need a heated shelter of at least 1 m² floor space, which can be visited by the birds at any time. The temperature in the shelter must not fall below 15 °C and the furnishings must correspond to those of cage keeping.

Sufficient daylight or flicker-free artificial light (stroboscopic effect) corresponding to daylight must be provided in rooms, including the shelters. The lighting duration shall be 8-14 hours per day and the natural day-night rhythm shall be respected. Adequate indoor climate shall be provided. The health condition of the birds shall be checked daily

Further literature can be found in your pet store.


Text: Othmar Sieberer; Image: Franz Lowak

Source: BMELV (1995): Tierschutzgutachten - Mindestanforderungen an die Haltung von Kleinvögeln; BIELFELD (1996): Das Prachtfinken-Buch, Verlag Eugen Ulmer; GRUMMT & STREHLOW (2009): Zootierhaltung - Tiere in menschlicher Obhut: Vögel, Verlag Harri Deutsch

  • Gemäß § 21 Abs. 5 Tierschutzgesetz idgF