Giant Tigerfish (Hydrocynus goliath)

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Giant Tigerfish
Hydrocynus goliath
Giant Tigerfish (Hydrocynus goliath)
Name Giant Tigerfish
Name Lat. Hydrocynus goliath
Family African Tetras
Family lat. Alestidae
Order Characins
Order lat. Characiformes
Origin Africa
Habitat Rivers, lakes
Diet Carnivore
pH 6.5-7.5
Behavior Predatory
Keeping Individual, pair
Care Level Experts only
Reproduction Oviparous
Breeding None reported
Life Span 10-15 years
Protection No
Metric Units
Size 130 cm
Temperature 24-28 °C
Hardness 10-25 °dH
Aquarium 5,000 l
US Units
Size 51"
Temperature 75-82 °F
Hardness 178-445 ppm
Aquarium 1,300 gal

Distribution and habitat

Wolf tetras are widely distributed in the major rivers and lakes of the Congo River system, the Lualaba River, and Lakes Upemba and Tanganyika.


The well-structured large tank should have a robust border planting and offer hiding places from large roots and stones. They are very active swimmers and need plenty of swimming space. A substrate of fine gravel or sand, some subdued light (floating plants) and a weak current is ideal.

No ammonia, ammonium and nitrite should be detectable, the nitrate value should not exceed 100 mg/l. To ensure the water quality and oxygen content, a filter and heater adapted to the aquarium size is required, as well as lighting for the species-appropriate day-night rhythm of the animals.


In nature, this predatory fish feeds on fish. The food supply consists of live fish and large pieces of fish, which are well accepted even in frozen form.

A regular and varied diet promotes health and increases resistance. Feed only as much as is eaten immediately (in a maximum of 10 minutes).

Behaviour and compatibility

Juveniles can be kept with other defensible fish. Later they can only be kept with equal sized partners in the species tank. Any smaller fish, but also any fish of the same size is considered food.

Basically, only mutually compatible fish species with similar demands on water condition and water temperature may be socialized.

Sex dimorphism

There are no known external distinguishing characteristics.

Reproduction and breeding

There are no known reports of successful breeding in the aquarium.


The wolf tetra is a dangerous, difficult-to-maintain predator, but an attractive display animal because of its conspicuous dentition.

The well-being of the fish should be checked regularly. Temperature should be checked daily, pH, hardness and nitrate levels should be checked at least every 14 days. Regular partial water changes are recommended, even if the contaminant level has not yet reached the upper limit. Sudden changes in water quality should be avoided. Newly introduced fish must be accustomed slowly to the water in the aquarium.

Further literature can be found in your pet store.


Text: petdata; Image: Anton Lamboj

Source: BMELV (1998): Tierschutzgutachten - Haltung von Zierfischen (Süßwasser); BAENSCH & RIEHL (2004): Aquarien Atlas Bd. 2, Mergus Verlag; ENGELMANN (2005): Zootierhaltung - Tiere in menschlicher Obhut: Fische, Zootierhaltung, Verlag Harri Deutsch 

  • Gemäß § 21 Abs. 5 Tierschutzgesetz idgF